Mysterious Sony Xperia ZG Compact appears again on Geekbench

Mysterious Sony Xperia ZG Compact appears again on Geekbench

, several Sony Xperia ZG Compact listings appeared in the Geekbench database. Now, the phone makes another appearance with slightly different scores. Both scores are a bit lower than the results in August, and a lot lower than the results with Snapdragon 810 from 2015. It is highly unlikely Sony is building a phone with such an old chipset, especially when the came out in August with Snapdragon 835. There are two possible explanations for this. For one, the device name may have been falsified and all of this is just someone feeding fans false hopes. Alternatively, this could be a device of lower standing, compared to the XZ1 Compact, and so it's running older hardware. Smart money is on the first version, but you never know.

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